Event Description:

This event is an introduction to kayaking! You will receive direct instruction and time to practice in the novice cove - everyone gets approximately 30 minutes in the novice cove. Once you are comfortable, you can join us for a short expedition out onto the lake. Kayaks, life jackets, paddles and instruction are provided from Dirty Girl Adventures and Up A Creek. This is a casual drop in event - you may need to wait for a turn, so bring a chair, food and picnic fixings so you can relax with friends and family at Dirty Girl Base Camp!

Kayak Extravaganza! Sunday, May 31st, 2015

Join Dirty Girl Adventures and Up A Creek at Perry State Lake for the opportunity to get direct instruction in a kayak. Participants will have time in the novice cove with instruction to practice and get comfortable. We will also offer you the opportunity to go on a guided expedition to hone your new skills.

This is a casual, drop in event. You will be guaranteed direct instruction in a kayak as well as time to practice in the novice cove and an expedition in a kayak; you may have to wait your turn for both activities.

WHEN: Sunday May 31st, drop in between 1-7pm

WHERE: Perry State Park Boat Ramp (behind the office) 5441 Westlake Rd. Ozawkie, Ks. 66070
Phone: 785-246-3448

COST includes day use pass: Adult: $20 Youth Under 16: $10 - Advance Online payment option at www.dirtygirladventures.net in the Dirty Shop!

BRING: Water, snacks/lunch, cold drinks, a comfy chair, and your favorite life jacket (don’t have a life jacket, don’t worry we have plenty!)

PROVIDED: Instruction, kayaks, life jackets

What to Bring: WHEN: Sunday May 31st, drop in between 1-7pm WHERE: Perry State Park Boat Ramp (behind the office) 5441 Westlake Rd. Ozawkie, Ks. 66070 Phone: 785-246-3448 COST includes day use pass: Adult: $20 Youth Under 16: $10 - Advance Online payment option at www.dirtygirladventures.net in the Dirty Shop! BRING: Water, snacks/lunch, cold drinks, a comfy chair, and your favorite life jacket (don’t have a life jacket, don’t worry we have plenty!) PROVIDED: Instruction, kayaks, life jackets


Perry State Park - Boat Ramp, Ozawkie, KS
Location Details: Boat Ramp behind the office of the Perry State Park - follow signs!


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